
Insurance fraud in Sweden

22 april 2014
From staged accidents to exaggerated injury claims - insurance fraud is not just a crime against insurance companies, but against all honest customers whose premiums are affected. Learn how Larmtjänst and the insurance industry work to uncover and prevent these frauds, and how you as an individual can contribute to a fairer and more sustainable insurance culture.

In recent years, organized crime has increasingly targeted compensation from public welfare systems and insurance companies. As a result, the insurance industry has intensified its efforts to combat insurance fraud. Each year, insurance companies decline to pay out claims worth over half a billion kronor after conducting fraud investigations. Unfortunately, insurance fraud is a crime with a high level of unreported cases. Swedish non-life insurance companies handle over 3 million claims annually and pay out approximately 70 billion kronor in compensation to their customers. It is roughly estimated that insurance fraud accounts for at least 5-10 percent of these payouts, equating to about 3.5-7 billion kronor.

What is Insurance Fraud?

Here are some examples of what insurance fraud can involve:

  • Exaggerated Claims: When someone deliberately inflates the value of stolen or damaged items to receive a higher payout.
  • False Information: Providing incorrect information intentionally when taking out an insurance policy.
  • Mobile Fraud: Intentionally damaging a mobile phone to use the insurance payout to buy a newer model.
  • Staged Accidents: Setting up a car accident with a broken vehicle that cannot be sold, to claim insurance money.
  • Lying About Medical Treatment: Traveling abroad for cosmetic surgery and getting the clinic to state on the receipt that it was an emergency medical treatment during a vacation.
  • Deliberately Lowering Premiums: Not accurately describing one’s insurance history or behavior to receive a lower premium than warranted by the actual risk.

Statistics on insurance fraud in Sweden (2023)

  • SEK 70 bn of non-life claims paid
  • > 3 million claims settled
  • 9970 fraud investigations
  • 68 mn EUR of claims denied after fraud investigation
  • 665 cases of insurance fraud reported to police
  • Tip of the ice berg: Estimates indicate that fraud amounts to 5 – 10% of claim payments.
  • Appr. 170 investigators working with unclear insurance cases and suspected insurance fraud. 
  • The majority of the investigators have a police background.
  • 9979 suspected fraud investigations were conducted in 2023.
  • Guidelines for investigations.


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